
Precept A/C Mains cable:
“The topic of after-market power cables seems to elicit a multitude of responses from fellow audiophiles; some positive, some negative, some just plain mean spirited. Over the last three months, I have discovered that after-market AC cables can not only significantly change the sound of a component and enhance a system's audio performance, but truly unlock the potential of fine components.
There is a store located about 10 minutes from my office called Jeff's Sound Values. Jeff sells not only new equipment, but a great deal of used gear and accessories that are usually offered on Audiogon. About three months ago, I began trying different used power cables from Jeff. All of the used cables I tried were good in some areas, but lacking in others. I really did not want to put out the kind of money some of my friends have spent for the Shunyata Anaconda ($2000) or Nordost Valhalla ($2500); two AC cables that I really like, although quite different in sonic character.
There are an incredible number of expensive power cables being made today with every conceivable design. Being a 6th grade graduate (went to school with Jethro Bodine), I have some knowledge of scientific methodology, but find the claims of many of these folks to be far fetched. The descriptions of many of the AC cables on the internet suggest that if these manufacturers were recruited for NASA, we would be exploring the universe today with Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Recently, the boys at Jeff's Sound Values suggested that I try a pair of used Stealth Audio Cloude Nine AC cables. These babies seemed to have no significant shielding, and were composed of 7 silver ribbons in a flexible plastic jacket.
To make a long story short, these cables were far better than the PS audio xStream Statement cables I had been using. They had a wonderful midrange, but did have a problem in that they were not well-suited for high current demands. Their magic was lost when used on my power amps and PS Audio P1000 power plant. I was now determined, or perhaps obsessed, to find something like the Cloude Nines for these components.
About a month ago, I read an ad in Audiogon for Revelation Audio
Labs' Precept AC cable. I noticed
that Dan Wright of ModWright endorsed this company's products. A
well respected friend also advised me to try Brad Vojtech's cables.
Precept Cryo-Silver AC cables appear
to be very well made with expensive Furutech rhodium connectors.
The cables are also quite flexible making installation easy in tight
The first thing I observed after break-in (100 hours recommended;
the cables are a little hard sounding and constricted when first
plugged in) is an amazing degree of quietness or blackness to the
background of voices or instruments. These cables are highly detailed
without brightness or exaggeration of the high-end. Bass is very
tight with great impact and speed. The bottom octave has great power
and detail as well. The soundstage is very large and deep with a
nice bloom to the midrange, but not excessively so. The Precept
has an ease to the sound that is simply addicting.
Comparisons were then made with the Shunyata Anaconda Alpha and the Nordost Valhalla. Two of my friends loaned me their cables for this review.
The Shunyata has a large sound with great bloom to the midrange. It sounds less detailed than the Nordost or Revelation Audio Labs Precept, but is very seductive sounding with its warmth and lack of grain.
The Nordost is detailed and fast sounding like the Precept
with a great sense of air and extension in the highs. I prefer the
Precept, as it has the detail and speed
of the Nordost, but also the bloom of the Shunyata without the extra
warmth. The power, detail, and extension of the low end are superior
on the Precept than the Shunyata or
the Nordost. The degree of quietness is superior on the Precept
vs. the other two cables. My Wilson subwoofer seems to blend seamlessly
with my Wilson 7 speakers now that Precepts
are powering my power amps. The transient response of the bass in
my system has never been better.
I feel that the Revelation Audio Labs Precept
is simply an outstanding AC cable, and should definitely be considered
when auditioning high end AC cables for your system. Pictures of
the Precept cables and the rest of my
system are in the Inmate Picture Gallery.”
“I am very happy with the sound I am getting. More and more I am forgetting the equipment and just listening to the performance. For me the biggest compliment I can give your product is to say that they are 'musical.' I don't use that word very often. Most times I am able to hear what the component is doing or what it is not doing. It may be good/bad or just different but I am still aware of the component and its artifact(s). Your cords have improved my system but not in the usual way. Instead of my being aware of aspects of the sound that have been improved, I am aware of how organic the sound is. Performances come across more complete. Phrasing and dynamics that are a critical part of any performance are heard with more subtlety and articulation and therefore a more complete understanding of what the artist is actually doing is revealed for me to enjoy. I have listened to some other cords and none I have come across have made this type of improvement. I applaud your efforts to make such a musical component at such a reasonable price.” — J.K.
Precept II A/C Mains cable:
“Well, I received the wire on Friday, installed it on the Cary 306/200 CD player Saturday morning and gave it a four hour 'settle in' period before listening tož familiar cuts at normal volume for several hours.ž
First, it's only fair for me to say that I have always been skeptical of the benefits of exotic power cords. Several years back a friend and I collected about a dozen high end wires and spent weeks testing in two systems. The clear winner here turned out to be the top of the Belden line! at about $35 for 6 feet.
Having said that, I must admit that I was utterly unprepared for the major effect your wire had in my reference system. The improvement was not subtle or arguable at all. The entire presentation had an improved clarity and palpable presence that was, to my ears, quite astounding, and these are qualities I already had in very large measure.
Several minor, yet annoying, anomalies in my system simply vanished! What I had attributed to a room resonance problem, because it persisted throughout many tweaks and component improvements, has turned out to be some grunge or something in the power mains, and I have dedicated lines and conditioners.
Suffice it to say the Belden is out.
Although I will really spend some serious time evaluating the wire over several more weekends with a number of CDs, I doubt my initial impression will change. I have several 'golden-eared' friends who know my system well (one has the Cary CD player) who, no doubt, will be needing this wire when they hear what it has done for me. In fact, after my full review period I intend to insist that Dennis Had come to NY and hear what your wire did for his CD player. This power cord should be standard on all 306/200s.
Congratulations on your technology, Brad. Usually I would not be so enthusiastic about a product, particularly a wire, after only several hours of listening, but the improvement was so obvious, and also in areas where it really counted with me, that I here make an exception. You really have made something important.”
“Its been several weeks now since I bought these Precept II AC mains cables from you at Revelation Audio Labs. I promised you that I would let you know my views on them no matter what they were. My company, San Domenico Stringed Instruments in the UK, are international dealers and restorers of fine violins, etc. I as head of the company for 35 years I have a finely tuned ear for detail in sound and all musical nuances. The set up I use at home is, as far as I am concerned, about "it": dCS La Scala transport , dCS Elgar+ DAC , dCS Verona masterclock, Lamm M1.2 monoblocks , top quality interconnects and Living Voice Avatar OBX speakers. All this kit is supplied with juice from an Isotek Titan mains conditioner which is fed itself from a dedicated mains supply. Why am I boring you with all this background? Well, you might think what could possibly be wrong with this fantastic set up? I have now added your Precept II AC cables to all the runs from the conditioner to the equipment. What a difference ! Everything has become more organic - a much over used term these days - but truly it is the first time I have heard a human voice sound exactly right, and the texture of instrumental sounds are now perfect. The sound stage has gone outwards, backward and forwards, expanding in all directions. Brad, thanks for all your help , I could not live with my equipment now without your Precept II cables in the system.”
“Revelation Audio Labs Precept II
A/C Mains power cable initial impressions: Given my previous experience
with their i2s cables, I decided to give the power cables a shot,
and see what this company was really capable of. Well the cables
just arrived today. I bought two, for my transport and DAC's power
supply. The Furutech connectors were extremely solid, as was expected, given
the level of their connectors with their i2s cables (which are just
on a whole different level, compared to the chintzy connectors of
the other i2s cables out there). But on to what really matters...the
sound! So I plugged the cables in, and all I can say is WOW!!! The
first thing that jumped out at me was how much fuller the sound
became. There was an increase in air as well. This was most apparent
with horns, in which the realism of the sound from the airiness,
besides just tone, improved. And as much as it is difficult to define,
and has become extremely cliché in the audiophile world,
musicality took a big step up. The blackness to the sound enhanced,
creating more precise imaging, and a further extension in depth.
Dynamics, especially micro-dynamics, and the transient response
all strengthened. These elements all helped better the attack, slam,
and texture of the sound. All of the finger-work, strumming, and
plucking on the acoustic guitar became more apparent, helping to
display the guitarist's artisanship. Bass also tightened and the
control truly intensified. Every note on the upright bass was clean
and clear, while the bass drum was allowed to really show why it
is also referred to as the 'kick' drum. Sustain remained perfect,
allowing the cymbals to really shine and reveal all of the overtones.
What struck me the most though, was the increased realism and balance.
There were no negatives to the addition of these cables, unlike
some power products, which is extremely important to me. I have
auditioned a fair amount of other power cables, and found quite
a few not to my liking. However, I would not hesitate to recommend
trying one out for yourself. These cables are certainly worth every
penny.” — R.M.
“I received the 'Precept II' today. Connected it to my tubed CDP. My initial impression is one of amazement. I have never heard anything like it. The music is wonderful. How can one cable, even before burn-in, have such a positive effect. Can't wait 'til my wife hears the music. She was very skeptical. My only concern is that I may become obese. :) The cable is unbelievable or better said as finally believable. Thanks very much.” —T.C.
“Your cables arrived yesterday Sydney time. I hooked one cable up to my Z Cubed power box and another to my Croft Vitale preamp. I haven't done too much swapping of cables yet. Without doubt these are better than the Venhaus Audio cables they have replaced. Bigger soundstage, more detail, more effortlessness, a wonderful sense of air or spaciousness. I have been playing a few Judie Tzuke albums and where at times there seemed to be some effort in getting her vocals through the cables, now it just flows out ever so effortlessly. I could sense a real 'melt-in-your-mouth' kind of liquidity when listening with these cables. Very smooth, dead quiet background and tranparency is much better. The attack and decay characteristics are also top-notch. There are certainly a lot of cables out there on Audiogon. I chose yours because the ad was really convincing. I have no regrets. They are every bit as good as your ad would indicate. I look forward to purchasing some more of your cables some time in the future as funds permit.” — T.V.
Passage power cable:
“High-end audio manufacturers always make compromises in design and manufacturing despite proclamations to the contrary. Simply put costs must be reduced in some areas so the manufacturer can emphasize the areas they think are critical to performance and market characteristics. Musical Fidelity, widely regarded as offering the consumer outstanding value, is no exception to this rule. Despite the incredible performance of the entire kW line improvements can be made and Revelation Audio Labs (RAL) has proven to me that replacing the unique power cord arrangement of the kW 500 or kW 750 yields astonishing results. Specifically, RAL manufactured three custom cords which are used to connect the main amplifier unit and separate power supply unit on my kW 500. I first experimented with the preamplifier power cable which is a benign looking piece utilizing DIN connectors on each end. The stock Musical Fidelity cord (back to compromises) is far from special - it does the job but at minimal cost with common wiring and standard plugs. Replacing this cord with RALs immediately yielded incredible results. Suddenly more information from each source was revealed. Additional benefits (which became more apparent following break-in) included more bass control, laser focused imaging and an overall more musical sounding presentation. Following this enhancement I replaced the two amplifier cables which provide dedicated left and right channel power to the main amplifier. Bass output improved markedly over the stock cables and the kW 500's already significant sense of control and pace was further refined. If you own the kW 500 and/or kW 750 you must investigate these cables! For a simple plug and play solution you will not yield higher returns - the RAL cables provide a quantum leap in performance for a relatively small investment. Yes, the Musical Fidelity equipment is fantastic but compromises had to made. Contact RAL and make those compromises a distant sonic memory.”
“OK, I'll admit I was a skeptic. I had just recently bought the Musical Fidelity "triple threat" X-PSU (v3), X-DAC (v3) and X-10 (v3) and spent about 3 weeks of burn-in time, during which they changed significantly for the better. I love this DAC - and the X-10 is a must. But that's a separate review.
So, in this context I happened to be trolling through Audiogon
for the first time and saw your ad for the Passage
Cryo-Silver Reference power cable. I was intrigued and, after a
few emails to you, decided to give it a try by ordering just one
cable as a test. At only $139 and an in-home trial I figured what
do I have to lose. In this crazy high end world that's a very small
price to pay for any improvement. And, as good as the triple threat
combo is, the power cables did strike me as lower quality and a
little on the cheap side.
In due time (a week to the west coast of Canada) the Passage
cable arrived and, as we had discussed, I inserted it between the
X-PSU and X-DAC. The result was an immediate and very obvious
improvement in many areas that audiophiles love, but with a somewhat
light character. Mindful of the minimum 100 hrs of burn-in time
recommended I put the CD player on repeat 24/7 and left the system
volume low.
Each day I stopped for a few minutes and listened to what another 24 hours had wrought. As time progressed the bass, which had increased in articulation as soon as I inserted the cable, became fuller, as did the midrange, and the soundstage started to gel. The burn-in is a must for this cable.
After 8 days (yes, I really did wait for 200 hours) I sat down for a serious listening session. HereÕs what I heard, quantified as best as I can in my system/room and to my ears (using 8 test CDs that combine classical, acoustic jazz, choral, pop/rock):
- Better articulation of things such as the plucked string of a bass (acoustic or electric) and the note that follows
- Much easier to follow the bass line within an ensemble
- Enhanced lower fundamentals that give you the sense of space, particularly a large church with choir
- Increased clarity and purity of tone that made things simply sound more musically "right"
- A sense of ease and effortlessness and overall greater resolution that enhanced the palpability of vocals (both male and female), piano, acoustic guitars, etc.
- A reduction of some (but not all) of the sibilance that seems to be inherent on certain CDs — immediately obvious as soon as I added the cable
- Like with the mids, cleaner and purer highs were noticeably apparent on things such as cymbals, synths, the snap and the actual "snares" of a snare drum. With the cymbals and snares things such as brushed cymbals/drums truly came alive. There was also an increased sense with cymbals of both the strike as well as the shimmer/ring that follows, as well as that sound expanding into space (as happens live)
- Better resolution of reverb and general acoustic cues re: ambience and space
- This was one of the obvious immediate improvements — a wider and deeper place (either artificial studio or real acoustic environment) in which the musical event takes place
- At the same time the spaces between instruments/people, which were suggested loosely with the stock cable, increased dramatically and became more tangible
- A much enhanced sense of three dimensionality, both of the overall space as well as each musical source within that space
- More layers and enhanced sense of collections of instruments/voices arrayed in a rows/groups in a space (classical or choral vocal)
- The placement of each instrument/voice in space was much more specifically localized — focus improved
- Specificity of instruments deep in the soundstage was enhanced — it was much easier to hear low level sounds in the back part of the "stage," especially the back corners
- Images seemed more solidly locked into place and more coherent
Without writing volumes (as there's more to come), that's a reasonable
synopsis of the effect of inserting a single Passage
cable between the PSU And X-DAC. In simple terms I experienced an
overall increase in the musicality and "life" of the system in the
most surprising (to me) way.
A humorous note as an aside, but that demonstrates the increased
resolution...One night I put on Sade's Love
Deluxe as an overnight burn-in CD. My home is multi-level
and very open plan and in the am I was one floor below my system
as it played at low volume on a particularly rainy day. Suddenly
a regular "tap," pause, "tap," pause, "tap" intruded on my consciousness,
sounding for all the world like the sound of a rhythmic drip of
water hitting the hardwood floor. With a sinking feeling (I had
just experienced a roof leak and knew exactly what that sound was)
I came upstairs looking for the source. As soon as I entered the
living room I realized (to my great relief) exactly what it was: a small percussion part that had simply never been apparent before
on the Sade CD. I listened for a few moments and marveled at the
incredible enhancement of every aspect of the music, especially
all the small synth/percussion things that were previously buried.
So after my experiences with the first cable I obviously had to
try a second Passage. It duly arrived
a week after ordering and was inserted in the system between the
PSU and X-10. Now all of my power supply umbilical cords feeding
the DAC were Revelation Audio Labs. And this is where my understanding
of how electrical power works gets seriously "messed with." Because
as much of a difference as the cable between the PSU and X-DAC made,
the addition of the cable between the PSU and X-10 made an even
bigger, even shocking, improvement to the system. I just don't understand
how replacing one 0.5-meter power supply umbilical cable can make
such a dramatic difference.
I followed the same methodology as above re: 24/7 burn-in, but this time couldn't wait more than the requisite 100 hours before a serious evaluation session (same 8 CDs as before). That was last night, a loooong night into the wee hours. As I write, the system continues to fill my adjacent room with glorious music.
I'll attempt to capture the differences the second cable made. The X-10, being a tube buffer, improved in all of the key sonic areas that one would expect of a major upgrade in tube gear, and a few you wouldn't:
- The first cable allowed me to hear the plucked string of a bass — this one gave me much more sense of the whole note and the instrument it came from
- The bass line became both a much more distinct and separately articulated entity, as well as better integrated in the overall fabric of the music
- Deep bass notes were much more apparent — in a way that I didn't think my system was cable of. It simply went deeper and with way more authority, allowing me to hear bass notes that were not as audible previously.
- On well-produced pop/rock the bass rocked and it was incredibly easy to hear the distinction between a synth bass vs. and electric bass
- Bass guitar and bass drum, while tonally distinct, locked together in the tightest way (partly a function of increased dynamics, too)
- Overall bass tonality seriously improved
- That reviewer term "palpable presence" manifest itself here (best way I can think to describe it) — the entire midrange spectrum was much more "there" than before, especially vocals, sax, etc.
- I heard much more of the body of the instrument or voice — the sound of the wooden guitar body, the resonant cavity of a piano and of the male voice were all much more apparent
- Music was warmer and more natural — but in no way "woody." Perhaps its best to say the midrange had an increased sense of illumination and life — I don't know how to articulate this better, it just seemed more real
- Brass sounded much more "golden" and simply glorious. I can now hear much more cleanly the specific timbres of alto/tenor/soprano sax, trumpet and trombone, whether foreground or buried in the back of a mix/orchestra
- As with the previous cable, a reduction of more (but still not all) of the sibilance on certain CDs
- Reverb tails and overall ambience were again more apparent, enhancing the sense of the real/studio-faked space
- Cymbals developed much more sheen (crash) and you could hear the individual rivets of a ride cymbal much better
- Bells had much more presence as well as a fuller sound — not only the initial strike but the soft envelope of the decay
- Everything sounded "rounder," more complete, more whole, more fleshed-out
- The soundstage expanded in the most amazing way: not only did it become deeper and wider, but it also expanded well in front of the speakers and seemed to envelope the listener/room. I have never heard this before in my system and it thrilled me completely. It enhanced the sense that, not only were the musicians in the room with me, but that I was virtually transported to the room in which the recording took place.
- Depth and width grew to well outside the walls of my room — the sheer volume of acoustic spaces was vivid and exciting
- Every CD became much more holographic and I was literally immersed in the music
- Spaces between sources increased yet again as did the layering of sounds within a space
- Images were much more defined in a seemingly natural space and were bigger and more tightly delineated
- Image specificity deep in the soundstage was enhanced even more — things were much more naturally (there's that word again) real
- Images seemed more solidly locked into place and more coherent — each image seemed to be more individualized and more "whole"
- There seemed to be an 'envelope of air' around each instrument
- Music seemed "sharper" and faster — pace and rhythm improved greatly on both rock/classical
- The snap of drums and other percussive sounds was enhanced in a much more real and natural way — far greater "jump" factor
- As an example a crash cymbal, when hit, starts with an explosion of sound in a very specific location (the cymbal) and then expands outward to fill the surrounding space — I can hear this for the first time
- The dynamic scale of music, from softest to loudest sounds, increased significantly
- Musical crescendos in naturally recorded spaces (classical, jazz) bloomed in the most amazing way, expanding to truly fill the space in the dynamic sense (this is the first time I have heard this effect in my system)
I think you get the idea. I have re-read this email a few times
because I'm trying to ensure that this is a reasoned overview and
not a "rave" job. But I have to tell you that the differences the
2 Passage cables made was on the level
of changing to much better components — and for only $179 x 2. I
am confounded and astounded. And for what it's worth, I have never
written a letter to an audio manufacturer praising a product before.
But anyone who uses a Musical Fidelity X-PSU to power their other X components really owes it to him/her self to listen to the differences this "little cable" will make in their systems. I won't suggest that my experiences will be the same as anyone else's, but I feel confident stating that you will never hear what the "triple threat" MF system is capable of without testing this cable. The difference it has made in my system has been dramatic and sublime, and led to a significantly more satisfying, natural and engaging musical experience that is infinitely more thrilling.
I will be candid in admitting that I am shocked, as the Passage
cable has provided an increase in enjoyment and involvement far
beyond what I expected from a mere cable (a power supply umbilical
cable no less!), and beyond what I thought the MF gear was capable
of. It's an amazing product and an amazing upgrade bargain for Musical
Fidelity owners in my opinion. In an industry rife with purple prose
of the highest order regarding the "stunning benefits" delivered
by this or that exotic component/cable, your slogan "Revealing
the organic truth in music" sums up exactly what my experience
with the Passage cables has been —
it's a completely true description of their impact in my system.
Thanks Brad.” —M.K., Vancouver, BC
“I received the MSB Power Cord on Thursday — fast, thanks! I've burned it in for 20 hours or so and I think I can judge it fully now. It's so easy to recommend this wire as folks that need if already have $700.00 (on the low side if you got a great deal on a standard Link and a P1000 power supply and use an inexpensive digital cable) to well over $1800.00 for a Gold Link III, P1000 and expensive digital cable. Me, I got the whammy — Gold Link III, P1000, Sony DVP-S7700 transport with MSB custom 192K outputs (a $600.00 modification). All this and I never heard the true worth of this expensive (for me, at least) combo until now. The Cryo-Silver MSB power cable is an great product and, for OTT (over-the-top) guys like me a ridiculously easy recommendation. It simply does more than add 5% to my enjoyment for only 5% of the system price. The bass comes in gobs; fast and clean now. I am hearing the major differences between alto and tenor saxophones...hearing the tapping of finger pads as they are played. The entire performance is cleaner and more detailed. Bass, the foundation of music, is there as never before. I had hoped this wee cable mattered and indeed it does. The impact of introducing this cable into my system was greater overall than the transport upgrade to 192K. Yep, $600.00—touted upgrade was bested by a $169.00 power cable. I really do appreciate your terrific communication throughout and hope you have much future success.” — J.E.
“I managed to get about some 96 hours of continuous playtime
with the power cord and wanted to let you know what I've heard so
far. Ok, after the initial hookup and about 30 minsutes of playing,
I listened to my favorite CDs: Fourplay 4, Amanda McBroom, Rick
Braun, Johannes Linstead, Peter White and Nouvea Flamenco. I chose
these as there are dynamic and relaxed music on them. To be honest
even after 30 minuites of playtime, your cord sounded better than
the stock MSB cord even though things were still not fully there
but one could still hear the difference like the smoothness, control
etc. Now after 96 hours of playtime, the difference is noticeable
and clearly better. There is a nice sense of smoothness and sweetness
to the overall sound. No fatigue, edginess or harshness. The highs
and upper mids are detailed, extended with no irritation at all.
On top of this, it's not thrown in your face. Apart from this, the
other thing noticeable is the bass and mid-bass side. Both have
authority, weight and punch. There is also control and extension
which is better than before and it is here that I'm puzzled cause
the bass is definitely tighter and should probably sound leaner
but it is not. Although tighter, it still punchy, weighty and tuneful
which is interesting. The overall sound is not too forward or too
laid back. It is just right and everything (instruments) are placed
where they should be. Your cord has also helped to make the system
less noisy and has definitely helped to improve the performance
of the Monolithic power supply and MSB DAC. It takes away the bad
things in CD recordings and makes listening to CDs enjoyable as
I'm also able to play louder than before and not get irritated.
Even at low volumes, the details can be heard. Oh yes! Your construction
is first rate! Well Brad, thank you for your product. It is well
worth the asking price. Also, thank you for your advice and sharing
with me your thoughts and opinions which were thoughtful and knowledgeable.
I'll keep you posted on the progress.” —
“WOW, I always knew my MSB Gold Link DAC III and the P1000 power supply provided the best sound I have had in my system. I could not imagine it getting much better, but it did. I always suspected the power connection between the P1000 and the DAC was the weak link, but I never, in a million years, could have predicted the improvement the 'Cryo-Silver Reference' power cord made to the sound and enjoyment of my system. The biggest complaint I have always had of my own system is its lack of deep bass, which I always attributed to the 40Hz lower limit of my speakers. Not any more, the bass is definitely deeper, tighter, and faster. The resolution and sound staging have also increased, along with every other descriptor you can hear. I'm still shaking my head!!! How can this half-meter cable make this much difference???? I have only had it burning in for ten hours or so, but it has already exceeded all my expectations, and them some. I know it will just keep getting better over time, which totally blows my mind! Thanks again, I'm sure we will do business again.” Regards, S.S.
“Got the cable on Monday and put it in this weekend. With electrostatics you pick up very little change you make to your system....this little cable has really added to the overall musicality of my system — a real difference!!!” — K.W.
“What a wonderful cable! Just a quick audition. However, there are more details, solid bass and better dynamics. Great. I'll tell my friends about this cable. Thanks for your excellent work.”
“I recently bought two of your 'Passage' CryoSilver Reference umbilical cables for between the Musical Fidelity X-PSUv3 and the X-10v3 & X-DACv3. I will definitely not send them back!!! At first, just after putting them in my system, I thought they sound better, but too "sharp" & too "cold". But because of the burn-in-time I waited a few days, leaving the system always on. Normally I would changes cables back to the old ones and back to the new ones again and so on to compare them, but with these two cables it wasn't necessary at all. I'll leave them in the system and will never change back to the old ones... :) Just after switching the old cables against the new ones (from Revelation Audio Labs), I recognized, that the Higher Tones were very much clearer and that the instruments are more for themselves, so you hear every instrument for its own, like in its own chamber or something like that (I can't find the right word in English). Also I recognized more Quiet Ground or Darkness in the music (the Silence in the music seemed just more silent), which turns out to bring out tones, I've never heard before and to let you hear tones for a longer time, it's possible to hear them fading out longer than before. The bass seemed the get clearer and it went far more to the bottom than before. The fast response to tones has increased (more dynamic: In bass more punch, in higher tones like a hihat oder guitar slaps or something like that, it came so fast that I got (nearly physically) shocked. Incredible! But as I said above, just after switching the cables, everything sounded on the one hand better and on the other hand it sounded too cold, too analytic and too sharp. So I took my time to burn in the cables, and the harshness vanished completely, leaving a cable with an increased amount of all the (positive) characterics described above. I think, the Musical Fidelity components are very good, and they've got all of the things, this cable does. But these cables bring out, what the components are "born" to sound like. If you have got Musical Fidelity, you have definitely to give it a try. For me it is nearly, as if I have bought another X-DACv3, X-10v3 & X-PSUv3 to double the effect of very fine music. Thank you very much! Best regards from Germany!” — Stefan S.
“Your Revelation Audio Labs' Passage CryoSilver Reference Umbilical Cable is a Power Cable "Effulgent". Its ability to transform the "Musicality" of ones sound system to a level of realism is quasi "Surreal". My X-DAC V3 per se did give my front end a new voice. However, it still lacked a certain "Je ne sais qua". I thought replacing the wall wart cord (A Joke) of my X-DAC V3 with a dedicated Power Supply would give me what I wanted. Hence, I went out and purchased the X-PSU. The difference it made to my system with the Musical Fidelity stock power cord (A Joke) was so diminutive, I could not justify the added cost for this product. With all of the "Hype" about the amazing difference a separate Power Supply would make to ones sound, my musical listening experiences (with these units and the stock power cable) always left me lugubrious even after several weeks of listening. (Giving the stock power cord the benefit of the doubt for burn-in time) I purchased the RAL cable on the strength of a poster on Audiogon whose tag is “Johnny Canuck”. His very meticulous description of the "Effects" this cable made to his sound aroused my curiosity. These "Sonic" effects he described were spot-on with what I was hoping to attain from my system with the purchase of the X-PSU but never got. My consummate disappointment with my X-PSU (non performance/hype) however, made me extremely skeptical. After receiving the RAL Power Cable and connecting it (cold mind you), I literally went into a state of shock. The difference was so "Prodigious", it was unbelievable. This cable requires 250 hours of burn-in. I put my transport in repeat mode and left it on 24/7. Every day I would listen for about an hour and there were times when I could actually hear this cable transforming my sound to another level during my 60 minute listening session. Every day would yield an enhancement in sound quality. This cable Transforms the musicality of the music rendering it more "Mellifluous" and "Real" with all the "Natural Nuances", "Pinpoint Imaging" and "Holographic" instrument placement. Purchasing the Musical Fidelity X components without the RAL power cable is ludicrous. I say this because without the RAL cable, you will never experience the "REAL Level" these products are capable of attaining. (I wonder if Musical Fidelity is aware). The RAL Umbilical Power Cable is the "Sine Que Non" cable for anyone seeking the "Organic Truth" in their music. Thank you Brad.” — M. M. Follow up: "You have my permission to use my thoughts about your exemplary product. I can't believe Musical Fidelity hasn't tried to work something out with your company. I can only imagine how many additional units they would move with your Power Cable. BTW, I wrote this testimonial with about 50 more hours of burn-in to go. Your product truly exemplifies KAIZEN......Continuous and orderly improvement.” — M. M. “Many thanks indeed for the two Passage umbilical power cables which arrived yesterday - barely a week door to door from Florida to Norwich, UK. I have linked them up and they are currently breaking in, though I could not resist a brief
listen at the outset, just to check that all was in order. I was most
impressed: the cable linking the PSU unit to the Phono Stage and thus
driving my Rega turntable made for a much fuller, warmer, and more bodied sound,
but although it was more substantial, it was also tight and articulate
with a very deep soundstage and splendid placement of the instruments
and voices within a very realistic setting. These are going to provide
endless pleasure and are already offering the qualities I felt lacking
in my system. With break-in this can only get better. Thank you for
your help, and for the quick and easy way in which the whole
transaction was handled. I didn't realise it was so easy, not having negotiated PAYPAL
before. All best wishes” —M.R.
Follow up: "Since writing the cables have now had time to settle in to the system and have continued to improve. I'm astounded at the even-handed improvement in sound across the whole range from what is now a clear, refined treble, a marvellously real, well separated mid range, and a hugely improved bass. What's more they work their magic with whatever genre I throw at them, orchestral, opera, chamber music, piano, solo violin, etc., etc. And I hear so much more as well; the old cliché about "finding oneself with a new record collection" is certainly true in this case.” — M.R.
Parable power cord:
“The cable came late Thursday evening. Fit and finish is superb.
Thanks to some unknown inmates at the Audio Asylum or I never would have heard of Revelation Audio Labs and the 'Parable' Cryo-Silver™ Reference Power Cord.
Recently I have been looking at my system for the weak link and a likely candidate for an upgrade. Since my X-Cans have been superseded twice I felt a new headphone amp would be the most obvious choice. When I heard that you made an after market umbilical cord to go between the X-PSU and X-Cans I thought 'what the heck' and looked up your web site. I liked what I saw and with your assistance purchased one.
Right out of the package and into my system the sound was superb. I mean WHY should this cord provide such a significant improvement?! It just doesn't seem right, but wow. The first thing that struck me was how much the noise floor dropped, heck I did not even know it was there until the substitution of theÊOEM cord was replaced by the 'Parable.'Ê It was as if the performers were playing on a stage that was fog shrouded and the exhaust fan was turned on. Cymbals took on the metallic bite that you hear live versus a jelloie — my word — shimmer. Voices, oh boy voices, are now so real that it's almost scary. Top to bottom of the audio spectrum the sound has improved. Not one negative and hell they haven't even broken in yet!
Well, Brad, I guess I'll have to take another look at my system to see where I may improve it, because the X-Cans are staying put.
Hmmmmmm...maybe I should ask you about you line voltage power cords?” Thanks, J.S.
“Though my cryo power cord is not
fully burned-in (60 hours) I can tell you that the improvement it
has brought to my system is nothing short of spectacular. For the
first time in my life I can be really carried away by listening
to CDs. It is so much more involving, alive, so much more like the
real thing. A few times I mistakenly thought I was listening to
my high end-ish turntable, while I was listening to a CD. Before
the introduction of your cord, it was impossible to make that kind
of a mistake, the turntable used to sound so much better. But not
anymore. I cannot imagine giving you a better compliment than that.” —
R.V., Netherlands
“The cables from your company arrived today, very quick, most impressive. I'm listening to them now, all I can say is fantastic. I've only recently purchased the Perpetual Technologies PA1/PA3 signature DAC combo. I thought the standard PTs wrought a fantastic improvement on what I'd previous been using, and was totally knocked out, replacing the standard cables supplied, with yours. I was already enjoying my CD collection anew; with your cables, the process will have to start over. More detail, more atmosphere, more emotion, more width/height/depth, more everything. The speakers just disappear in to the wall of sound that is the soundstage. Truly amazing, and they've only been connected 3 hours, can't wait to see what achievable after 100 hours.” — M.M.
“Received cables today in mail - nice package, nice connectors. I Pro-Gold'ed the connectors, and have them burning in for the recommended hours, but of course I had to listen to 'em right outa the box. Obvious difference...a quieter background (equal to a Bybee on mains of Monolithic power supply $80 bucks), plus the bass seems tighter, and the last glaze over midrange has vanished. I have been chasing that glaze problem for months...have tried everything I could think of...AND NOW I find out, it was the stupid factory copper zip cord cable...you have no idea how much energy I have put into finding that problem! Anyway, now the liquidity of my pre amp tubes are truly shining, and this is even before break in! I will keep you posted for a better review but...it can only get better, me thinks.” — M.
“I received the Perpetual Technologies/Monolithic power cables last week. I put them in expecting a subtle difference and was COMPLETELY blown away. I mean completely. You've heard all the descriptions and adjectives before so I won't go there. Let's just say I had no idea that the difference would be so huge and send the sound in such a better, more involved direction. If I had to describe what I've heard within the first 10 hours of use it would be much greater and deeper bass information, a huge increase in ambient detail and a dryness in voices replaced by a more natural resonance. All of this was noticeable right away but in a natural, not over-hyped, way. The quality of these power cords definitely piques my interest in your other products. I think this is a no-brainer for the MS/PT combo. Thanks for such a cool product...” — J.B.
“Well, I've received the power cables for the Perpetual Technologies duo first
and have since run them in for at least a good 50 hours or so (still
waiting for the i2s to arrive). Right out of the box, there is a
distinct improvement in detail and clarity over the stock power
cords that comes with the Monolithic P3. The most obvious aspect
is that musical decays are more natural and have greater longevity.
This could be due to lowered background noise, hence allowing more
details to show themselves. After 50 hours or so, the next obvious
change is in the soundstage width and depth. Both have certainly
broadened beyond my speakers' physical borders. The other aspect
which struck me is the solidity of the images presented. Before
the power cord change, imaging was already pretty good in my system.
However, with the Revelation Audio power cords in, they are rock
solid in place. I can distinctly place each instrument and performer
within the music. Another notable improvement (to my ears) is that
the overall musical presentation seemed to be smoother, particularly
in the mid-range and highs (smooth here does not equate to loss
of detail — in fact details have increased, from the various
pieces of music that I have been using to evaluate components).
I did not talk much about the bass because I am using a pair of
stand-mount speakers (NHT SuperOne XUs) and bass is not their forte.
Still, there is a fair amount of bass detail coming through. Not
deeper (limited by natural law of physics — 6.5 inch is not
going to go real low) but with greater detail (one can easily make
out plucked bass strings' vibration, thump of piano's lower keys
etc. without having to critically listen out for them). Palpability
is the next aspect I would like to highlight. In particular, on
the Norah Jones album, I could almost feel her breath. Combined
with the image solidity mentioned above, the whole musical presentation
is really fleshed out and 3 dimensional. All in all, the power cords
have wrought a significant improvement over the stock cords and
only at the 50 hours mark. I honestly could not recommend them enough.
They do allow the music to be that much closer to the real thing.
Anyone can do a double blind test and I am sure he/she will easily
hear either some or all of the improvements (not just difference,
which may not necessarily be better) that I mentioned above. Of
course, some may approach from the angle that one would have to
spend some money to get the better sound. But, to me, it's worth
every penny as the Parable power cords
do bring out the best from the dynamic PT duo (which is the first
reason why us folks here bought them, they are a real class act).
In any case, I am curious to hear what others experience with their
respective systems when they switch from the stock cords to the
Revelation Audio Labs ones. The other good thing about Revelation
Audio Labs is Brad Vojtech. He's great to deal with. The improvements wrought
thus far just let me enjoy the music more.”
“After 50 hours burn-in, your power cords have a noticeable and primary effect on the ground floor noise, and the potential glare I mentioned, and a secondary effect to the soundstage...giving more air around vocals and percussion. I believe even the un-modded versions (of P-3A) will benefit from the new 'Rev' power cords.” — S.R.
“In previous emails I have described my significant enthusiasm for what your i2s did for my system. I can, with the same degree of WOW, comment on the power leads from the MP3 to the P1A and P3A. Your cables are nothing short of GREAT. Anyone who has this combination (Perpetual Technologies P-1A/P-3A and the Monolithic P3 Power supply) and hasn't incorporated your cables has not heard how great they can be improved...and sound. It would seem to me that Mark Schifterand Dusty Vawter would make these standard accessories for their equipment. They are worth every penny of the cost. Feel free to use me as a reference if anyone has questions.” — R.P.
“Well, I am now over 200 hours of break-in on the Revelation
P1-P3 Monolithic power cords. I have had the hardest time putting
my overly analytical finger on just what has happened to the sound
since introducing the power cables....It's better, no doubt, but
how, is the quandary. First, the bass is tighter / fuller than ever...more
improvement than the Modwright level 1 changed the bass.... Then
on the other end, percussion instruments, cymbals, chimes, tubes,
wood block, even digital sampled percussion is more evident in every
recording, but I have concluded, that it's not accentuating this
range as much as it has reduced a background 'noise' that lessened/obscured
these instruments in the past...some call it 'more air,' or 'tonally'
better, more true, life like, etc....for me, it defined the soundstage
better, and I most of all like the way the sounds decay now, where
that was never evident before, even after the Modwright level 2....these
are a huge improvement over the stock cords, but please understand
I am not saying that these can replace the Modwright upgrades, as
its a synergistic effort from all that makes the electronics sing.
Now onto the issue that I have discovered. I had a real nice midrange
that I really liked, my modded CJ Premier 3 has 7 tubes in the output,
and I had spent a lot of time tweaking that sound as it came outta
my ESL 63s (including boutique power / speaker cable / cords as
well). After about 100 hours I noticed a grain, or a grit, or a
vibration of sorts around the midrange vocals...after 150 hours
it was still there...maybe even more, and this was getting irritating.
Not prominent, mind you, but there, in what had been totally beautiful
to me before...well around 200 hours when I was pretty sure these
wires were done with what ever they were going to be doing, I really
started listening over the weekend...I messed with the Altis 3 transport,
the digital cable, your Prophecy i2s
cable, Pro Gold'ed all connections, etc...and you know what I found?
Your power cords had lowered the noise floor enough, that i was
now hearing a slight micro-phonic vibration in one of my tubes!
I am sure it was there all the time, but I was unable to isolate
it...so I have two new matched tubes burning in, and the sound is
back to where I thought it shoulda been. SOOOoooo there you have
it...I like 'em, I'm keeping them, and I will be happy to write
a review in AA as soon as I decide what to say, and have the time
to do it. BTW my Monolithic P3 has a Bybee on the main, so I borrowed
a friend's un-modified Monolithic P3, and it has an even more noticeable
noise floor reduction than mine. Thanks again.”
“Last night I pulled a late night listening session, and with your (power cord) cables broke in, I was enjoying my digital system like never before. Great resolution, increased depth, and a non-fatiguing musicality kept me up much later than usual. Thanks for helping me get to this point. Great customer service!”
“I received the cables today. They are OUTSTANDING!! ...much better than the original. You have a great product and you should be very proud.”
“I wouldn't have thought it possible
for such apparently insignificant cables to make such a difference.
In my system they make a greater improvement to the sound quality
than the upgrade PSU does with its own cables! I've always had faith
in the ability of cables to improve the sound but not to the extent
that their use could surpass that of the component itself when used
with its own cables. In fact, I was slightly disappointed with the
PSU, only appreciating its value when used with the Parable
cablesÊ(this was not down to burn-in as it was used). It just goes
to show how much the original cables (i2s digital cable included)
were strangling the performance of these products. I would go as
far as to say they should be seen as essential purchases for anyone
owning this equipment, otherwise they will have no idea as to their
full potential. The only problem with such transparent cables is
that they reveal other faults that were previously masked. I have
always had problems with the mains electricity supply despite having
Kimber Powerkords on all my equipment running through a mains conditioner
(Isotek Minisub), so I only hear my system at its best at certain
times of day, which is very frustrating. With this in mind I would
like to purchase one of your Precept
AC mains cables to power the Minisub if you think this would be
appropriate.” — D.S.

more reviews:
